The Minister of Healthcare reported that the reform started on July 1, and at the moment the CSHI Fund is already receiving contributions from individual entrepreneurs and deductions from employers.

It should be noted that in order to prevent possible malfunctions in the system, a comprehensive interdepartmental plan of measures for risk management of the introduction of CSHI was approved.

The plan consists of 4 sections:

Information and explanatory work of state and local executive bodies,

Ensuring the financial sustainability of the CSHI system,

Information systems and their integration,

Preparation of regulatory legal acts.

For each risk, the activities, necessary to eliminate them, are identified.

Also, the main regulatory and legal acts of the CSHI are being agreed upon: the Government Decisions "On the Approval of the List of GVoFMC" and "On the Approval of the List of Medical Assistance in the CSHI System", which means the expansion of the package of services provided.

In addition, in order to create a CSHI information system, joint work is carried out by state bodies, the Social Health Insurance Fund and the State Corporation "Government for Citizens".

Accounting of persons whose contributions are paid by the state will be conducted in 14 categories on the basis of the automated system "Organization of Payment Processing". It integrates data from 5 information systems of the MLSPP, and data from the bases of the MIA, MES and MH RK.

As a result, all information will be uploaded to the "Attached Population Register" system of the Ministry of Healthcare and will be available to all medical organizations to determine the status of citizens in the CSHI system. For citizens who potentially can "fall out" from the information bases of state bodies, it is proposed to create an opportunity in a declarative order to confirm their membership in a certain category, through the PSCs.

Yelzhan Birtanov also reported that at this stage of implementation of the CSHI by the Ministry of Healthcare, other interested state bodies, akimats of the regions are continuing extensive explanatory work with various target groups.


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