A. Myrzakhmetov visited Kazakh Osetr LLP, located in the village of Akshukur in the Tupkaragan district. The enterprise is the only farm to produce commercial sturgeon in the region.

After, the regional Akimat hosted a meeting on implementing the Agro-Industrial Complex Development State Program, which considered issues of livestock development, processing of livestock products, veterinary safety and fisheries. The meeting was attended by representatives of Mangystau and Atyrau regions, agricultural producers, representatives of the public.

Taking into account the geographical location of these regions in the Caspian Sea area, special attention was paid to the development of fisheries. The Republic’s fishing industry, traditionally based on industrial fishing, must radically change its long-term action strategy, and along with taking aquatic biological resources from natural reservoirs, it should turn to intensive cultivation of commercial fish.

In general, the Republic’s commercial fish breeding shows growth, including through state support. In the framework of the AIC Development State Program, it is planned to reach production of commercial fish of up to 5 thousand tonnes per year by 2021. For the first time the State Program envisages measures for partial reimbursement of entrepreneurs' costs (30%) by subsidizing fish feed.

In addition, the current measures for investment subsidies for establishing fisheries with the installation of closed water supply and nurseries are extended to lacustrine-commodity fish farms for acquiring equipment and specialized transport. One of the innovations for the fishermen was the introduction of a ban on the sale of prohibited fishing gear, including monofilament nets.

After, they considered issues of livestock breeding and agricultural cooperatives. To date, 517 cooperatives have been established in the Republic, of which 15 are registered in Atyrau region. As of the beginning of July this year, Mangystau and Atyrau regions show increasing numbers of cattle, small cattle, horses, camels, and poultry, compared to the same period last year.

Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture has established a database of processing enterprises, which has 1,345 active processing enterprises.

There are nine priority types of processing, which are represented by 435 enterprises, which include processing of milk, meat, hides, wool, oilseeds and crops, fruits and vegetables, sugar beet and potatoes. For them, a clear Placement Plan for agro-processing enterprises was developed, including for each region, in the context of districts.

During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture answered all questions asked by the meeting participants.

At the end of his working trip, the Minister visited the Akbidai grain terminal and the Aktau Sea North Terminal. 


Source: primeminister.kz

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