Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev in the Address to the People of Kazakhstan "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness" noted the importance of maintaining leadership in attracting foreign investments. In fulfillment of the President's order in the Mangystau region, active work is being carried out to attract foreign investors. Thus, in the pavilion of "Kazakh Invest", which is located on the Expo site, on August 16, within the framework of the Mangystau Days of Culture, an investment meeting was held with the participation of the Mangystau region Akim Eraly Tugzhanov, representatives of ministries and embassies from 10 countries.

Within the framework of the event, the Head of the region spoke about the investment potential of the region.

"Today, when the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev is implementing the State program of industrial and innovative development in Kazakhstan, the region has a powerful transport, logistics and tourism potential, the construction industry is developing and primarily takes leading positions in oilfield services. There is a lot of results achieved to attract investment in the region to dat. Since the day of introduction of SEZ "Aktau Seaport" into operation it was attracted investments for 88 billion tenge and produced products for 241 billion tenge. Currently, the region's investment portfolio includes 49 projects being implemented and planned for implementation amounting to more than 2 billion US dollars. All this opens up wide prospects for investors to invest in the capital", - said Akim of the Mangystau region Eraly Tugzhanov in his opening speech. 

During the meeting akimat of the Mangystau region and several foreign companies signed a memorandum. To date, Mangystau is already cooperating with Chinese investors in various sectors of the economy.

Along with it, representatives of the CITIC Group Corporation and akimat of the region signed a bilateral memorandum and launched a project for the construction of a desalination plant at the Karazhanbas field in the Mangystau region.

At the same time, Akim of Aktau city Serikbai Trumov met with the representatives of Italy during the investment meeting and signed a memorandum of partnership between the cities of Aktau and Loniga, the goal of which is the interaction of the cultures of the two cities, the development of tourism and socio-economic spheres.

Akimat of the Mangystau region also signed an agreement on the construction of 250-megawatt power plants with the Finnish company Varsila. 


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