According to him, the Government of Kazakhstan jointly with the OECD done a lot of work to improve the investment climate in the country in 2011. Changes have been made in many of the laws to facilitate the work of investors. Thus, investors from 55 countries are coming to Kazakhstan without a visa.

The carried out work significantly improved Kazakhstan's position in Doing Business rankings.

"Joining the Investment Committee is an indication that the investment climate in Kazakhstan corresponds to the requirements of this organization," S.Tuyakbayev said.

He also noted that membership in the OECD Investment Committee will allow Kazakhstan to consistently introduce advanced standards of the OECD member countries, as well as have a positive impact on the rating and investment opportunities in the country. This will be an indicator of the high level of the business environment, competition and investor protection. For many investors, the recognition of the OECD Investment Committee is a crucial indicator for when choosing a country for further cooperation.

It should be reminded that according to the results of joint work in October 2016, the OECD Investment Committee has invited Kazakhstan as a member of this organization.

Source: primeminister.kz

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