Investment opportunities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) were presented today to the Government and Private Business officials of Great Britain during the Kazakh-British Investments Forum in London City. The event is organized by London City Corporation, AIFC and “National Company “KazakhInvest” JSC and supported by Kazakhstan’s Embassy in UK.

Welcome speeches were delivered by of London City Lord Mayor Mr. Andrew Parmly, Trade Envoy of the UK Prime Minister to Kazakhstan Baroness Emma Nicholson, Kazakh ambassador to UK Yerlan Idrissov, Her Majesty’s Ambassador Caroline Brown, Governor of AIFC Kayrat Kelimbetov and Deputy Chairman of the Board of “National Company “Kazakh Invest” JSC Birzhan Kaneshev.

In his speech at the Forum Kazakhstan Ambassador to the UK Erlan Idrissov mentioned that within 25 years of collaboration the status of Kazakhstan and the Great Britain relationships has reached the strategic partnership level.

«Being one of the major investors to the economy of Kazakhstan, Britain is also the important trade and economic partner of our country. Based on solid trusted relationships our countries actively interact in realization of such priority projects as creation and development of Astana International Financial Center, programme of privatization of KZ national companies, interactions within Chinese One Belt – One Road initiative, etc. Attraction of the British experience in high technologies and banking sector remains one of the most significant priorities of the external economic policy of Kazakhstan », - Mr. Idrissov said.

Ambassador of Great Britain to Kazakhstan Dr.Caroline Brown quotes that British professionals are willing to share experience with Kazakh colleagues. “International confidence is a key to success of Astana International Financial Center. The more investors from the Great Britain and other countries and a variety of economic sectors consider the investment opportunities to Kazakhstan, the more will be a role of AIFC in providing financial and juridical services that investors will need”, - said Dr.Brown.

Mr.Kelimbetov, a Governor of AIFC, has mentioned during his speech that a platform being built is designed with a numerous privilegies for the investors and those advantages should be supportive in creating comfortable conditions of investments inflow to Kazakhstan. “AIFC is well-placed to become Eurasian gate providing trade and financial flows between East and West countries”, - stated Mr. Kelimbetov.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of “National Company “Kazakh Invest” JC Birzhan Kaneshev delivered new approaches of the company, such as proactive measures and targeting industries and regions, to the operations with potential investors. “The total direct investments volume from UK to Kazakh economy makes $12B. According to the National Investments Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accepted earlier this year, and in the context of investments attraction, The Great Britain is one of the high-priority countries, and this makes collaboration between our countries even stronger», - also mentioned Mr. Kaneshev.

“London-Astana Bridge: Strengthening of Relations Between  Financial Centers” session was accomponied by speeches of UK former Lord Chansellor Harry Kenneth Woolf and AIFC representatives, who described in details Financial Center authorities, as Court, Arbitrary Center, Stock Exchange and AIFC regulatory.

It is worth to say that London City financial center possesses deep experience and knowledge in many spheres, including Islamic financing, fin technologies, green finance and right of common.

Delegation has achieved signing of Collaboration Memorandum with British Trade Chamber in Kazakhstan and European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Moreover, a number of meetings were held by Kazakh Invest with companies running businesses in Kazakhstan, as well as those who are looking for such opportunities, in particular, Aggreko, Metalysis, Sentinel, William Hare, ConnectIreland, International Development Ireland and etc. 


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