The deputies of Senate of the Parliament of the RoK headed by the chairman of the Committee of Senate of the Parliament of the RoK on international relations, defense and security Dariga Nazarbayeva arrived in Mangistau to fulfill the instructions of the Head of State defined in the Address and considering the ongoing reforms in the sphere of ensuring military security of the state as well. Deputies visited the Aktau International Sea Trade Port and the military units of the Armed Forces and the Navy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The senators visited the29011 Naval Forces base of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They met with servicemen in the military unit, got acquainted with the work and noted the high level of combat and operational training.

Furthe the Senators visited the Aktau International Sea Trade Port. Aktau sea port is on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. The productive capacity is 17.7 million tons. The port has 79700m2 and an indoor transit warehouse - 2000 m2, four specialized oil loading berths capable of receiving tankers of up to 13,000 tons with a capacity of 12.5 million tons, three universal berths for handling general and bulk cargoes, as well as for reloading oversized cargo and handling vessels of the "Ro-Ro" type with the capacity of 2.5 million tons, a railway ferry complex with the capacity of 2.0 million tons, a grain terminal with a capacity of 700 thousand tons per year with a specialized berth.

The visiting session of the Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the seaport of Aktau then, where they discussed issues of the activities of the Navy and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting was addressed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces, Vice-Admiral Zh. Zhanzakov, Deputy Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Border Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Dilmanov, Akim of the Mangystau Region E.Tugzhanov and President of the Aktau International Sea Trade Port A.Turkpenbayev.

After the meeting the delegation visited the ships "Sarbaz", "Karaganda", "Alatau" and "Uralsk" took a look at the life of the sailors and went to the open sea on "Saryarka" ship. 


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