The working trip of Eraly Tugzhanov, Akim to the Mangystau region is underway. The next point of visit was Zhanaozen city.

The Head of the region took part in the opening of the production base for the repair of oilfield equipment and technological communications. The enterprise has been building for more than three years. As noted at the opening ceremony, such a large facility was built for the first time in the oil and gas sector of the CIS.

The total area of ​​the production base is 9 hectares. The enterprise will provide employment for over 300 people. 5 workshops and 2 sections of the oilfield equipment repair and technological communications department started working at the facility.

"Last year, the index of physical volume of industrial production was 110.3%. "Ozenmunaigaz" JSC produced more than 5 million tons of crude oil. It is an organization that provides work for 9,000 oilmen and contributes to the social and economic development of the city. President Nursultan Nazarbayev called the modernization of the manufacturing industry the main priority in his annual Meassage. This message can be called a specific functional plan for further work, including in the oil and gas sector, " - said Eraly Tugzhanov, Akim.

In general, "Ozenmunaigas" JSC and its subsidiaries employ over 20 thousand people. The volume of oil production in 2017 amounted to 5 million 480 thousand tons. The profit for the last year was KZT507 billion.

Further, Eraly Tugzhanov met with the active functionaries of Zhanaozen city and listened to the report of Akim Adilbek Dauylbaev.

According to the data for 2017, 147 500 people live in Zhanaozen.

The budget of the city for 2018 is approved in the amount of 14.5 billion tenge. One of the most pressing problems in the city is the issue of dilapidated housing, which was built in 1960-1970.

"To solve this problem, last year, 56 apartments were bought for residents of emergency houses at the amount of 431.9 million tenge. To date, we need to buy another 14 apartments. This will require 284 million tenge. Other solutions to this problem are also being considered. So, there is an opportunity to strengthen and repair dilapidated housing by the forces of other institutions, without resorting to budgetary financing, " - Akim of Zhanaozeni, Adilbek Dauylbaev, said in his report.

Also the issue of unemployment was raised at the meeting with the city's active functionaries. Now there are 1,088 people officially registered on the labor exchange in Zhanaozen. According to the city Akim, measures are being taken to develop small and medium-sized businesses to reduce unemployment. So, 26 entrepreneurs presented their projects within the framework of the regional program "Nur Capital".

"Over 1 billion tenge is provided for crediting projects. These entrepreneurs will create at least 500 jobs. Another 36 entrepreneurs intend to open enterprises in the industrial zone of the city. This is another 250 new jobs. In addition, 54 million are allocated for completion of works to provide the industrial zone with internal infrastructure. We plan to complete these works in the first half of this year, " - said Akim of Zhanaozen Adilbek Dauylbaev.

Another of the current problems of the city is the shortage of drinking water in the summer. The city is supplied with water by Kaztransoil JSC, Tue Su and Sauskan fields. The city receives 27.5 thousand cubic meters per day in total. To solve the issue of water shortage, Akim Adilbek Dauylbaev offered two options. Increase the volume of water supplied by Kaztransoil JSC in the summer to 25 thousand cubic meters. Also this year the construction of a new building will be completed, where 30 thousand cubic meters of water per day will be cleaned.

In addition, the meeting discussed the construction of a drainage system in the village of Rakhat and the Bostandyk microdistrict, issues of internal roads, the construction of sidewalks in settlements, the financial and economic situation of utilities and others. Akim of the region, Eraly Tugzhanov, reviewed the recommendations and gave specific instructions. 


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