At the beginning of this week, are the first 100 days of the work of the national company "KAZAKH INVEST", which is part of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and which is the national operator for attracting and working with foreign investors.

At a press briefing held in Astana on July 13, the company management issued a report on the work carried out in the first 100 days of the company's work. In his speech to representatives of Kazakhstan media, Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC" KAZAKH INVEST "Maksat Kabashev said:

- During the first 100 days of "KAZAKH INVEST" operating, we conducted an analysis of the investment climate in the country, specification of the functionality of the company taking into account the principle of "one window", and determined the list of priority countries for spot work with investors. We have also adjusted some internal processes in the company. Noting the importance of the tasks set before us, we are guided in our work to high international quality standards in providing comprehensive support to investors in Kazakhstan.

During 100 days of work, 90 meetings with foreign investors were held regarding the opening of business projects in Kazakhstan in such sectors of the economy as engineering, chemistry and petrochemistry, pharmaceutics, agro-industrial sector, and metallurgy. 22 memorandums and agreements on cooperation with foreign companies were signed, including with 6 TNCs: Yildizlar SSS Holding (Turkey, energy), Lidya MadenCilik/Calik Holding (Turkey, mining and metallurgical complex), S2 Global (USA, machine construction), AIAC (USA, machine construction), Linde Group (Germany, chemical industry), Ferrostaal (Germany, machine construction).  American, British, German, Spanish, Chinese and Turkish investors showed interest in business dealing in Kazakhstan, they are representing such companies as Campofrio (Spain, livestock), Gruma (Mexico, food Industry), AGOMED (Poland, pharmaceuticals), Building and Construction Authority (Singapore, infrastructure), Lidya Madencilik (Turkey, MMC), Grupo Cobra (Spain, energy, infrastructure).

Foreign representatives of the company during the reporting period held more than 160 meetings and negotiations with potential investors from the US, China, Turkey, Canada, Brazil, and Mexico, including the management of 33 TNCs. Have been organized visits to Kazakhstan of representatives of American, Turkish and Chinese TNCs, the result of which is the signing of memorandums and decision-making on investment. So, for example, in the near future it is planned to implement projects of the Turkish business in Kazakhstan: Agrobest Group - production of pesticides and herbicides in Almaty, Ufuk Tarım - production of chemical and organic mineral fertilizers in South Kazakhstan region, Volkan Ambalaj - production of cardboard packages in South Kazakhstan region, Play Park - opening of children's playing center in Aktau. The projected investment in these projects will amount to about 36 million USD with the creation in the future of about 300 jobs.

In the general portfolio of JSC "NC" KAZAKH INVEST" there are 16 projects with a high degree of development for a total cost of 7.7 billion US dollars in 7 industries: chemical industry, mechanical engineering, petrochemicals, MMC, infrastructure, AIC, oil refining. The implementation of these projects is planned with the participation of large TNCs and anchor investors. In 2017-2018 the following activities are planned for these projects: approval of feasibility study - 7 projects, conclusion of investment contracts (PPP / FEZ) - 3 projects, start of construction works for 11 projects.

It is also planned to launch 6 reinvestment projects until the end of 2017, such as Alstom (France), production of transformers), NYK Line (Japan, construction of a car terminal), Heidelberg Cement (Germany, cement production), Gold Aluminum (Turkey, production of aluminium profiles), ULKER (Turkey, confectionery), Kelun (China, soybean processing). 

Also, significant work was done to support investors in the regions. By July 10, 16 regional directors (part-time advisers to Akimov region) and 14 deputies were appointed, whose main task is to maintain and support the activities of foreign investors in the field, as well as to protect the interests of investors in local executive bodies.

Today, regional representatives of "KAZAKH INVEST" are empowered to promptly raise problem issues of investors at the regional akims level, which allows to minimize bureaucracy in providing assistance to investors in the field and excludes direct contact of foreign investors with local executive bodies. During the reporting period, the leadership of the regional block "KAZAKH INVEST" made visits to the regions to study the system of support and attraction of foreign investments operating in each region. 

During the period from April 1 to July 11, 115 meetings were held by the regional block of the company, 74 issues of investors were considered, 22 of them were positively solved on visa support issues, obtaining licenses, optimizing the terms for issuing the certificate, attracting IRS, selling products, obtaining investment customs preferences, conclusion of an investment contract, land registration, gasification, infrastructure. Another 52 issues are in progress.

The national company "KAZAKH INVEST" organized 16 events within the framework of promotion of Kazakhstan processed products to foreign markets (trade missions, exhibitions, national stands) in 10 countries (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, China, Italy, Russian Federation). The activities were attended by 146 Kazakh exporters who negotiated with 600 foreign importers and distribution companies. As a result, export contracts were concluded for a value of 95.4 million USD (foodstuffs, building materials, machinery and equipment, fertilizers, metallurgy products, paint products, etc.).                                                                      


JSC "National Company "KAZAKH INVEST"* is included in the structure of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is the national operator of the system for the development and promotion of non-commodity exports, as well as a specialized state company for attracting and working with foreign investors. "Kazakh invest" is financed from the Republican budget and provides services free of charge.

*According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 01, 2017 No. 100 the Joint Stock Company "National agency for export and investment "KAZNEX INVEST" has been renamed into the "National Society "National Company "KAZAKH INVEST".

Source: invest.gov.kz

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  • 2017