The Head of the region visited the first facility to produce pipes with gas-tight threaded connection of premium class. The cost of this project is about 9.1 billion tenge. The production capacity of the plant is 45 thousand tons of finished steel pipes of oil and gas assortment with gas-tight threaded connections of "premium class" in accordance with the highest standards in terms of safety. To date, there are 46 employees at the facility, in the future it is planned to increase their number to 90.

Then, Akim of the region got acquainted with the work of the plant for the production of pipes from polyethylene of low pressure. After that, Eraly Tugzhanov  had a look at the plant for the production of oil-grade pipes. The number of jobs is 158 employees. At present, "ArcellorMittal Tubular Products Aktau" JSC have concluded an agreement with "Tengizchevroil" LLP for pipe welding services. The main problem of the plant is the lack of order from potential customers. In this regard, the Head of the region instructed the deputy Akim of the region Rakimbek Amirzhanov to work out the issue of increasing the local content.

Also, Akim of the region inspected the construction of the plant for the production of expanded clay stones. Currently, there is no factory for the production of expanded clay in the Mangystau region, and all products are imported from other regions. The main goal of this project is to create a modern plant for the production of expanded clay stones and the production of building blocks and reinforced concrete products for industrial and civil construction on its basis. Construction of the plant at the completion stage.

The next enterprise was a plant for the production of pipes for oil and gas, municipal industries. This production is qualitatively new and progressive, having a number of advantages over metal and polyethylene pipes due to failure of chemical and physical-mechanical properties, high corrosion resistance and a long service life.

The last visit of the trip was Medical Farm "Cha-kur" LLP - a factory for the production of pharmaceutical products. Additional funding is required to complete the project. The question of financing is being worked out with second-tier banks. Negotiations with suppliers of equipment to complete the commissioning and commissioning of the contractor, to complete the installation work are being conducted.

 Based on the results of the visit to the SEZ "Seaport Aktau" objects, Akim of the region Eraly Tugzhanov gave a number of specific instructions to all the responsible persons on the arising problem issues. 

Source: mangystau.gov.kz

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