The corridor Western Europe - Western China will increase several times the cargo flow of goods from China to Europe via Kazakhstan. To the increase in goods traffic will contribute container shipping, which are faster sea route twice and cheaper air travel ten times. Zhang Hanhuey - Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of China to Kazakhstan spoke about it in conclusion of 6th Plenum of the 18th Communist Party Congress. 

When speaking about the state of highway Western Europe - Western China, Zhang Hanhuey reported that the highway is almost completed. "This year the road Western Europe - Western China will be completed in the territory of Kazakhstan", - said the Ambassador of China in Kazakhstan, adding that the trade and economic relations between China and Kazakhstan is increasingly strengthened.

"More and more Chinese investors are showing interest in the work and investment on the territory of Kazakhstan. Many Chinese businessmen have realized that Kazakhstan atmosphere and investment conditions are improving every day, and we can say that in the Central Asia, Kazakhstan is the country with open economies. You have very good foreign policy, and extremely good guarantees. Local partners are reliable, and the Government of the Republic has full support to the establishment of close relations between the Chinese and Kazakh business", - said Zhang Hanhuey. 


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