In particular, Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted that in 2017 growth was achieved in all key indicators in attracting investments. New enterprises are opening, jobs are being created. Investors of all levels receive state support.

However, despite the measures taken to create a favorable investment climate, the number of foreign investors' appeals on the solution of certain problem issues on the ground is not decreasing. These problems are voiced by investors within the Council for improving the investment climate and other dialogue platforms.

Kazakhstan has identified a list of 145 priority investment projects, which are on permanent monitoring. All existing issues must be resolved promptly, within the “single window.”

As Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted, within the framework of the Nation’s Plan "100 Soncrete Steps," there is a task to attract TNCs and "anchor investors." It is also very important for the country to implement 51 Kazakh-Chinese joint projects.

The Prime Minister drew the attention of the Minister for Investments and Development K. Kassymbek to conduct explanatory work among the population together with Kazakh Invest NK on each of these projects. It is necessary to explain people that these are not old, but new projects.

Bakytzhan Sagintayev also raised the issues of attracting investments to single-industry towns. The involvement of "anchor projects" should have promoted the opening of new production facilities and new jobs in monocities. However, now this is not paid enough attention. In this connection, the Minister for Investments and Development, Zh. Kassymbek was entrusted to take the matter to the control.

To strengthen the work on attracting investments in the regions, all the necessary conditions have been created. In each region, deputy akims for investment have been appointed, regional offices of Kazakh Invest have been opened, and service centers for investors have been established, and regional headquarters have been set up to deal with investors' problems. Despite this, in a number of areas, including in Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Akmola regions, the issues of attracting investments are addressed at a very low level in comparison with other regions.

Bakytzhan Sagintayev instructed akims of the regions to strictly control the issues of attracting investments and reminded them of the effectiveness of the work of new and already launched projects.

Control over the execution of the instructions is assigned to the First Deputy Prime Minister Askar Mamin. 


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