In the Address, the President N. Nazarbayev set the tasks for the key ten areas to the Government.

During the meeting of the Government, Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev gave a number of specific instructions.

First, in the part of industrialization and the introduction of new technologies, the Ministry for Investments and Development was instructed to develop new tools aimed at modernizing and digitizing domestic enterprises with emphasis on the export of products and technology transfer, as well as identifying pilot projects for digitizing a number of industrial enterprises and proceeding to their implementation. Responsible — Minister for Investments and Development Zh. Kassymbek.

"The Ministry of Information and Communications must develop a set of measures to improve digital and innovative solutions on the basis of Nazarbayev University, AIFC and the International Technopark of IT Startups; functioning of the private venture financing market and ensure the development of appropriate legislative amendments," the Prime Minister said.

The responsibility is assigned to the Minister for Investments and Development, Zh. Kassymbek. Responsible — Minister of Information and Communications D. Abayev.

In addition, the Ministry for Investments and Development was instructed to begin drafting the state program of the third five-year industrialization plan with an emphasis on digital technologies. Responsible — Minister Zh. Kassymbek.

In connection with the digitalization of the economy, special attention is paid to employment issues. Bakytzhan Sagintayev instructed the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, in conjunction with the akimats and interested ministries, to assess the risks of the release of workers and to determine the adjusted policy for the employment of the released workers, in general, to speed up work on the flow of labor. Responsibility is assigned to Minister T. Duissenova.

Second, in the direction of further development of the resource potential.

"The Ministries for Investment and Development, Energy, I instruct to take measures to improve approaches to extracting minerals by actively introducing integrated information and technological platforms," ​​Bakytzhan Sagintayev said.

The Ministries of Investments and Development, Energy, and Agriculture were instructed to work out the issues of setting energy consumption standards for the production of a unit of output. The Ministry of Energy needs to make proposals on creating conditions for attracting investments in the field of renewable energy sources.

Bakytzhan Sagintayev instructed the Ministry of Energy together with regional akims to develop:

  • road maps for the creation of a system of modern utilization and processing of solid waste in a month's time;
  • relevant amendments to the Environmental Code and other legislative acts.

The responsible minister is K. Bozumbayev.

Third, the Prime Minister gave a number of specific instructions on the development of the country's agro-industrial complex.

The Ministry of Agriculture was tasked:

  • together with interested state bodies and akims of the regions, to revise the target indicators of the State program for the AIC development, to develop a set of measures for their achievement and to submit concrete proposals to the Government before March 1;
  • together with the Ministry of Education and Science and akims of the regions, to review the role of agrarian science and agrarian universities, whose main task should be to transfer and adapt modern knowledge and technologies;
  • together with akims of regions, within a month, to present conceptual approaches to development and measures to support agricultural cooperation;
  • in order to preserve the quality and environmental friendliness of products, in conjunction with interested state bodies and organizations, to bring regulatory legal acts and technical documents on the production and use of biological means of plant protection and other biological products in accordance with international norms;
  • together with the Ministry for Investments and Development and Atameken NCE, in a month's time, to select strategic niches in international markets to promote domestic products, including the brand "Made in Kazakhstan";
  • together with interested state bodies, to work out the issue of reorienting inefficient subsidies to reduce the cost of bank loans in order to increase the efficiency of state support for the AIC.

Responsibility for the block is assigned to U. Shukeyev.

The fourth direction concerns the increase of the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure.

The Ministry for Investments and Development together with the ministries of information and communications, finance and KTZh JSC were tasked with:

  • studying and ensuring the introduction and use of modern technologies, such as blockchain and analysis of Big Data, for cargo monitoring in online mode and simplification of customs procedures;
  • bringing the total amount of budget funds allocated annually to 150 billion tenge in the medium term to improve the quality of local roads;
  • providing the phased implementation of the Intelligent Transport System.

Responsibility is assigned to Minister Zh. Kassymbek.

Fifth — the introduction of modern technologies in construction and utilities.

"The Ministry for Investments and Development, taking into account the tasks set by the Head of State, should make concrete proposals in a month's time to bring the indicator of housing provision per resident by 2030 to 30 square meters. If necessary, make suggestions for adjusting the Nurly Zher Program," Bakytzhan Sagintayev said.

The Ministry for Investments and Development needs to ensure that necessary changes and additions are made to normative legal acts in the field of construction in terms of the application of new construction methods, approaches to designing and planning urban development, the use of modern materials, higher quality requirements, environmental friendliness and energy efficiency of buildings and structures. Also, mechanisms should be developed for equipping the objects under construction and already entered with intelligent management systems. Responsible — Minister Zh. Kassymbek.

The Ministry of National Economy, together with regional akimats, was instructed to develop an appropriate PPP mechanism during the modernization of housing and communal infrastructure and step up measures to implement it. Responsible — Minister T. Suleimenov.

The Ministry of Agriculture together with the Ministries for Investment and Development, National Economy and akims of the regions was instructed to take measures to annually allocate not less than 100 billion tenge from all sources to provide rural settlements with quality drinking water. Control is assigned to U.Shukeyev.

Sixth. In the direction of the "reset" of the financial sector, most of the issues concern the National Bank. In this regard, the proposals of Daniyar Akishev will be included in the National Plan for the implementation of the Address.

On the introduction of the institution of bankruptcy of individuals, the Ministry of Finance must submit relevant draft laws to the Government before the end of April. Responsible — Minister B. Sultanov.

The Ministry of National Economy, together with interested state bodies and organizations, was entrusted to ensure further development of the stock market, including the successful withdrawal of shares of Samruk-Kazyna SWF national companies on the IPO. Responsible — Minister T. Suleimenov.

The Astana International Financial Center, in conjunction with the Ministries of Finance, National Economy and Samruk-Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund, will ensure the preparation of the AIFC site for an IPO. Responsible — K. Kelimbetov.

Seventh. In the direction of Human Capital — the Basis of Modernization, a number of instructions have been given in the spheres of education and health, as well as on the social bloc.

The Ministry of Education and Science jointly with the ministries of labor, national economy, finance, akims are instructed to take measures:

  • on the 30% increase of the official salary of teachers, who switched to the updated content from January 1, 2018;
  • on the introduction in 2018 of a national qualification test for teachers, with the definition of a new grid of categories according to the level of qualifications;
  • 30% to 50% increase of teachers' salaries, depending on the confirmed qualification for the new system.

Together with the interested state bodies and akimats, the Ministry of Education and Science needs:

  • to make proposals on the improvement of programs for the early development of children and their implementation from September 1, 2019;
  • to review the experience of the CIS and OECD countries and make proposals to reduce the educational burden on students in schools;
  • take measures to develop departments and faculties in pedagogical institutions of higher education;
  • to strengthen the quality of teaching of mathematical and natural sciences at all levels of education;
  • continue work on the development of digital educational resources with the placement of video lessons and video lectures on the Internet;
  • To provide schools with modern technical support with connection to the Internet;
  • to introduce per capita financing with attraction of private capital;
  • take measures to create a network of children's technoparks and business incubators with all the necessary infrastructure on the basis of palaces of schoolchildren in all regions;
  • to ensure further implementation of the project Free Vocational Education for All and to take measures to update the programs with the involvement of employers and taking into account international requirements and the development of digital skills;
  • to revise the programs of universities with an emphasis on teaching new information technologies, and also to take measures to develop university science, including the transition of applied scientific research into English;
  • to intensify joint projects with leading foreign universities and research centers, large enterprises and TNCs;
  • Introduce a mandatory requirement for applied research and development to attract co-financing from the private sector;
  • to work out the issues on supporting young scientists with the allocation of quotas within the framework of scientific grants;
  • legislatively fix the academic freedom of universities with the right to create educational programs;
  • to take measures on retraining of teachers, attraction of foreign managers to high schools, opening campuses of world universities.

Responsible — Minister Y. Sagadiyev.

The Prime Minister also gave instructions on the transition to the Latin alphabet.

"The Head of State paid special attention to the issue of terminology in the Kazakh language. There is no need to translate existing international terms and complicate the Kazakh language. In switching to the Latin script, international terms should be used in convenient and rational ways for our language," said Bakytzhan Sagintayev.

In this connection, the Ministry of Culture and Sports needs to revise the ways of translating the international terms with the approval of the society. Responsibility is assigned to Minister A. Mukhamediuly.

On the issue of healthcare, instructions were made to work out and submit the draft State Program for the Development of Healthcare and a comprehensive plan to combat oncological diseases to the Government for consideration by the end of May this year.

The Ministry of Healthcare will develop and submit a new model of the guaranteed amount of free medical care, setting clear boundaries for the state's obligations, as well as a new edition of the Code on People's Health and the Health System for the Government's consideration this year.

Ministries of Healthcare, Labor and Social Protection of the Population must to carry out thorough preparatory work in order to prepare the society for the implementation of CSHI.

"Accelerate the introduction of e-health certificates after pilot operation, provide citizens with online access to information about their health status and expand the opportunity of obtaining health services through various mobile technologies. For these purposes, the akimats of the regions in the current year need to provide all medical organizations with information systems by 100%," Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted.

Nazarbayev University together with the Ministries of Healthcare and Finance need to solve all organizational problems for the construction of a scientific oncology center this year. Responsibility is assigned to the Minister of Healthcare Y. Birtanov.

On the social bloc, the Ministry of Labor, together with the Ministry of Education and Science, and state bodies, is instructed to analyze the work on the development of modern professional standards and to submit proposals to the Government in a month's time to develop or update professional standards.

"At the next meeting of the Government, report on the process of formalizing self-employed citizens, and report on the implementation of the new format for providing targeted social assistance this year," the Prime Minister said.

The Ministry of Labor also needs to speed up the passage in the Parliament of a draft law providing for the introduction of a single electronic exchange. Until April 1, 2018, the bill should be adopted.

"From July 1 of this year, the system for assigning a basic pension is changing. All bodies of social protection must provide maximum assistance to our citizens in the legalization of their labor activities," Bakytzhan Sagintayev said.

In this connection, the Ministries of Labor, Finance, National Economy and Justice are instructed to work out the issues of legislative consolidation of the norms for the timely introduction of state assistance for parents caring for adults of the 1st group from childhood. It is also necessary to work out the issues in the social insurance system to strengthen the relationship between the length of service and the size of payments.

Responsible for the entire block — Minister T. Duissenova.

Eighth. In the direction of Effective Public Administration, the Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted that "the development of entrepreneurship is one of the main priorities of the work of the Government."

A number of instructions were given to the Ministry of National Economy:

  • To take measures for the speedy passage of procedures in the Parliament of the bill aimed at further deregulating the business, including the reduction of costs for entrepreneurs.
  • Take the necessary measures to develop a new bill to improve the business climate, support the business and pull it out of the shadows.
  • Continue work to improve the quality of services provided by natural monopoly entities, to ensure the interests of consumers with the establishment of reasonable tariffs for subjects of natural monopolies and energy producers, taking into account their investment programs.

The Ministries of National Economy, Finance, together with the interested state bodies, national holdings and akimats of the regions, should ensure the implementation of the privatization plan, expanding it by reducing the number of subordinate organizations of state bodies, taking into account the Yellow Pages principles.

On the remaining subordinate organizations, to reduce administrative costs to work on their consolidation. Responsibility is assigned to Minister T. Suleimenov.

The Ministry of Information and Communications together with the Ministry of National Economy should take measures to optimize business processes and ensure their automation by the end of this year, and in conjunction with state bodies, intensify the work on the integration of information systems to switch to the provision of popular public services on the principle of one statement that will avoid repeated appeal of citizens.

In addition, the Prime Minister drew the attention of the Government members to observance of the principles of information security and establishment of effective feedback with the population for the prompt resolution of emerging issues. Responsible — Minister D. Abayev.

In order to improve the business climate in the regions, the akimats were instructed to strengthen work on the achievement of the established indicators in their detailed plans for the development of entrepreneurship.

The Ministry of Justice, akimats of Astana and Mangistau region together with the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs were instructed to ensure the implementation of a new system of remuneration for civil servants based on a factor-score scale. Control is assigned to E. Dossayev.

Special attention was paid to the development of tourism.

"In order to develop inbound and domestic tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, together with the interested state bodies and akims of the regions, within a month's time, in accordance with the established procedure, must ensure the adoption of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of the Tourist Industry until 2023. The responsible minister is A. Mukhamediuly," Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted.

With the aim of increasing the financial independence of cities of regional importance, villages and rural districts with a population of more than 2 thousand people, the Ministry of National Economy, together with the Ministry of Finance and akims of the regions, is tasked to ensure full implementation of the fourth level of the budget and municipal property of local self-government, and from January 1, 2020 — for the remaining villages with a population of 2 thousand people or less. Responsible — Minister T. Suleimenov.

At the same time, in order to ensure reliable protection of its information systems and devices during the introduction of new technologies, the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry, together with interested state bodies, needs to continue working in this direction. Responsible — Minister B. Atamkulov.

The ninth task.

"In the direction Fighting Corruption and the Rule of Law, all government bodies need to continue to work against corruption. The Ministry of Information and Communications must finalize the available information systems in order to ensure access of citizens to the process of consideration of their appeals," Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted. Responsible — Minister D. Abayev.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also needs to continue work on humanizing law enforcement.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs, in conjunction with interested state bodies, should take additional measures to introduce intelligent systems of video surveillance and recognition on the streets and in places of mass stay of citizens, control the traffic," the Prime Minister said.

Responsible — Minister K. Kassymov.

The Ministry of Justice, in agreement with the Prosecutor General's Office and the Supreme Court, must make appropriate proposals for strengthening the guarantees of the constitutional rights of citizens, ensuring the rule of law. Responsible — Minister M. Beketayev.

On the tenth task — Smart Cities for the smart nation.

"All the akimats should continue their work on the integrated implementation of Smart City technologies on the basis of a standard concept and development of the competences of people moving to the city," Bakytzhan Sagintayev said.

The Ministry of Information and Communications was instructed to coordinate the work of local executive bodies in this direction and provide comprehensive consulting assistance on all issues raised within the framework of the Smart City projects. Responsible — Minister D. Abayev.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of National Economy, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, to submit the draft Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Approval of the National Plan for the Implementation of the Address of the Head of State to the People of Kazakhstan "New Opportunities for Development in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" to the Government before 12:00 January 13 of this year.

"We will hear on the course of implementation of the instructions of the Head of State in the Government on a regular basis," the Prime Minister summed up. 

Source: primeminister.kz

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