The Minister for Investment and Development, Zhenis Kassymbek, reported that a number of systemic problems, including the low pace of infrastructure construction, poor management performance, problems with the application of benefits, long lead time of land acquisition and sectoral restrictions in the SEZ have been identified based on the results of the analysis of the activity of the SEZ. 

In order to fill and improve the quality of projects, a strategy is developed for the further development and filling of each SEZ. In addition, it is planned to provide the management companies under the akimats with a budget program in which akimats will finance their activities at the initial stage of development, that is, before filling the critical mass of investors for the SEZ (3-5 years). 

In addition, it is planned to optimize the mechanisms of tax administration of SEZ participants to provide tax and other benefits. Also at this time there is a bill in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan that will speed up the adoption of decisions on new projects not included in priority activities. It is also planned to provide a simplified procedure for obtaining land plots and other permits. 

According to the Ministry for Investment and Development, 10 SEZ in the sphere of manufacturing industry with different sectoral orientation were created in the country. The SEZ regime allowed the foundation of the logistical cluster of the last generation "Khorgos - Eastern Gate", to create railway engineering in Astana, to revive the textile industry in the SEZ "Ontustyk" and lay the foundations of a chemical and petrochemical cluster in the SEZ "Chempark Taraz" and "NIPT". 

Today, 154 projects have been launched on the territory of the SEZ, 651 billion tenge has been invested, over 11,600 jobs have been created. In the form of taxes, more than 107 billion tenge was returned to the budget. For one budget tenge of infrastructure spending, the participants invested more than 2 tenge of investment. This year, it is planned to launch 24 more projects with the creation of 3 thousand new jobs. 

The position of the business community on the given topic was voiced by the Chairman of the Board of the Scientific and Production Enterprise "Atameken" Ablai Myrzakhmetov. The reports were also made by the akims of Mangistau, South Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Kyzylorda regions and Almaty. Chairman of the Board of the NWF "Samruk-Kazyna" Umirzak Shukeyev reported on the construction of infrastructure in the SEZ. 



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