The President of Kazakhstan noted that Nauryz holiday is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday among the people, which has a thousand-year history and is celebrated outside ethnic or religious preferences.

At the same time, Nursultan Nazarbayev drew attention to the fact that Nauryz is a symbol of trust, friendship, brotherhood and stability of our country.

"This year we meet Nauryz with a special mood. Kazakhstan began a serious renewal. I announced the program of the Third Modernization, within which reforms of the political and economic systems are envisaged. We made important amendments to the Constitution that improve public administration. The guarantees of our Independence will become stronger, unity and consent will be consolidated. This will allow us to confidently look into the future and overcome the challenges of modern development of the world. All the transformations in Kazakhstan have one goal to keep abundance and stabiility in every house, in every family, under every roof (shanyrak). Everyone should have an opportunity to work peacefully for their country, educate their children and gladly meet a new day. This is achieved by labor, which is provided by the state, "the Head of State said.

Speaking to the participants of the event, the President of Kazakhstan emphasized the special significance of the spring equinox throughout the world, which marks the renewal and unity of people between themselves and nature.

"Joy in these days is infused into the souls of people. During the holiday, people visit each other, forgive old grievances and wish neighbor well-being and happiness. Nauryz reminds us of the importance of such eternal values ​​as charity and mutual assistance," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

At the end of his speech, the Head of State once again congratulated everyone on Nauryz holiday, wishing happiness, good and prosperity.

Also, the President of Kazakhstan visited the ethnoaul located near SEC "Khan Shatyr", where an exhibition of national products and sports was organized. 


Source: akorda.kz

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