2076 of them were issued - in the first category (managers and their deputies), 7043 – in the second category (heads of departments). The bulk of the permits for attracting FLF was given in the third (specialists) and fourth (qualified workers) category - 16 811 people, and 8 542 people respectively.

Last year, FLF attracted 3 thousand 768 employers who have worked with 470 thousand 398 Kazakh citizens, which accounted for 94% of the total number of employees.

The main country of origin of migrant workers were China - 12 thousand 699 people, Turkey - 3 thousand 502 people, Uzbekistan - 1 thousand 564 persons, UK - 1 thousand 474 people and India - 1 thousand 388 people.

Meanwhile, the employers, attracting FLF, created 16 thousand 259 jobs for Kazakhstan citizens in 2016, provided one thousand 340 Kazakhstan citizens with vocational training and retraining, carried out training to 5 thousand 427 local employees and replaced 11 expatriates by local personnel.

It should be reminded that a new simplified regime to attract foreign labor force was introduced in Kazakhstan from January 1, 2017; according to it, terms of issue of work permits were reduced and the administrative requirements for employers were canceled.

The employers must pay a tax levy instead of these particular conditions. The tax rates are set in the corridor from 137 to 250 MCI, depending on the category of foreign workers and the industry; it is roughly 290 to 530 thousand tenge.

Here are the requirements for employers to comply with the conditions of local content in frames: for managers and their deputies - at least 70%, professionals and skilled workers - not less than 90%.

Source: primeminister.kz

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