According to her, after five years of permanent cooperation with the OECD, Kazakhstan joined the OECD Investment Committee and became the 48th country that joined the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises.

"This is a sign of great confidence in Kazakhstan and shows that Kazakhstan's investment climate meets high international standards," Larisa Dzhumagaliyeva said.

According to the speaker, over the past five years, Kazakhstan, together with the OECD experts, has done an extended of work to improve the investment climate in the country. Administrative barriers have been removed, new incentives have been introduced for investors. The list of countries whose citizens are staying in Kazakhstan in a visa-free regime have been expanded. So, for today, citizens of 61 countries can enter the territory of Kazakhstan on a visa-free regime.

The conditions for attracting foreign labor have also been improved, and the Supreme Court established the Specialized Judicial Board for Investment Disputes.

The National Contact Center for Responsible Business has been established, through which feedback has been built up between civil society and investors.

In accordance with the OECD recommendations, the National Strategy on Investment Promotion was developed in cooperation with the World Bank, where clear mechanisms for attracting investments, improving the investment climate in compliance with the new package of OECD recommendations are prescribed.

Larisa Dzhumagaliyeva focused on the fact that the work to improve the investment climate will continue. Within the framework of the Strategy, it is envisaged to increase the transparency of the investment policy, to introduce new approaches to the development of regulatory and legal acts. The introduction of the mechanism for the publication of the regulatory acts in English is under consideration. A set of measures have been envisaged to improve the visa and migration regimes, the conditions for attracting foreign labor, as well as tax and customs legislation.

In addition, the effectiveness of existing investment preferences and other types of state support is being analyzed, taking into account international experience and priority sectors for attracting investments. 

Source: primeminister.kz

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