On October 20, 2016 in Paris, France, the preliminary Second Survey of Kazakhstan’s investment policy was presented at the annual session of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Investment Committee  (OECD).

Kazakhstan delegation was represented by Vice Minister of Investments and Development Y.Khairov, Chairman of the specialized judicial panel of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Kydyrbayeva, Chairman of Inland Revenue Committee under Ministry of Finance D.Yergozhin, and also members of Investment Committee under Ministry for Investments and Development, Ministry of National Economy, Samruk-Kazyna JSC, “Kaznex Invest” JSC, and “Center for Trade Policy Development” JSC.

Following the presentation of the preliminary Second Survey of Kazakhstan’s investment policy, OECD Investment Committee decided to re4commend the OECD Board to invite Kazakhstan as a member of OECD Investment Committee to join the Declaration of OECD Member Countries on International Investment and Multinational Enterprise.

This shows that Kazakhstan’s investment climate meets the requirements of this organization. The activities for entering it took about five years. Under the instruction from Head of State, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has fulfilled huge work to improve the country’s investment climate.

It should be mentioned that membership in OECD Investment Committee would allow Kazakhstan’s consistently implementing the OECD member countries’ advanced standards, and also will positively influence the country’s rating and its investment opportunities. This will be an indicator of high level of business environment, competition, and protection of investors’ rights. 

Sourсe: invest.mid.gov.kz

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