Speaking at the ceremony, the Head of the State congratulated everyone on the opening of EXPO-2017 international specialized exhibition in Astana.

The President of Kazakhstan has noted that Kazakhstan is the first CIS and Eastern European country to hold an exhibition of EXPO with participation of 115 states and 22 international organizations.

- I would like to express my gratitude to all countries for accepting our application and the proposed theme. The exhibition on this scale is not only the efforts of one state; it is the work of the international community, representing its achievements here. The international exhibition of EXPO in Astana is a new peak in the promotion of our country and national brand "Kazakhstan" in the global space. Declaring theme "Future Energy", we intend to be in the very core of scientific progress, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The Head of the State underlined that for a century and a half since the first world exhibition in London, humanity had experienced tremendous technological changes, and today it is on the threshold of new discoveries in the field of effective and safe energy. The President of Kazakhstan expressed his confidence that EXPO-2017 will make its unique contribution to this global process.

- Planned activities with participation of masterminds of modern times will specify new ways of human development. Millions of Kazakhstanis and hundreds of thousands of guests from all corners of the world will get acquainted with the outstanding achievements of world scientific and engineering thought. The EXPO program includes 6 thousand different events. They will promote the development of mutual understanding between countries, productive interaction between science, business and society, as well as acquaintance with Kazakhstan’s culture. We also invite to visit other parts of our country to get acquainted with the unique nature and historical heritage, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The Head of the State paid special attention to the urgency of EXPO-2017 theme for our country, underscoring the importance of environmentally balanced and sustainable development of the world as well.

- Kazakhstan, despite its huge hydrocarbon reserves, will actively switch to renewable energy sources. This goal is set in our Strategy-2050 and the Concept of changing for a "green economy". By 2050, Kazakhstan can produce half of the total electricity through renewable sources. At the same time, the economy’s energy intensity will be reduced, the President of Kazakhstan said.

In addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev spoke about the designation of objects and international pavilions of Astana EXPO-2017 exhibition complex.

- Attention of all visitors will be presented to the main object - "Nur Alem" Sphere, personifying the planet. Each level is devoted to a certain type of energy. Our National Pavilion is at the base of the sphere. It includes the Zone of Acquaintance with Kazakhstan and the Zone of Creative Energy, where the best projects of Kazakhstan’s scientists are displayed. At the Expo there are over 130 expositions of countries and international organizations. In two thematic pavilions, the evolution of energy, its problems in the 21st century and technological breakthroughs in this sphere will be shown, the Head of State said.

The President of Kazakhstan dwelled on the exhibition’s business program, within the framework of which a number of major international events are scheduled, such as the Astana Economic Forum, the Council of Foreign Investors and the Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The Head of the State expressed his confidence that the exhibition would give a new significant impetus to international cooperation and contribute to the development of science and modernization of the country's economy.

Nursultan Nazarbayev also spoke about the further use of EXPO-2017 infrastructure after the completion of its work.

- The International Financial Center Astana will launch its activities here. The International Center for Development of Green Technologies and Investments will be established. The International Technology Park of IT start-ups will open. Thus, the EXPO’s "pulse of innovation" will keep on beating for the benefit of the country, the region and the world, the President of Kazakhstan said.

At the end of the speech, the Head of the State expressed his gratitude to all the participants in the process of preparing the EXPO-2017, and also thanked all citizens of Kazakhstan for their sincere support and assistance in implementing the idea of ​​the exhibition.

- I express special gratitude to our high guests - the heads of state and government, who found an opportunity to personally attend the opening ceremony of EXPO-2017 in Astana, Nursultan Nazarbayev concluded. 


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