Akim Eraly Tugzhanov made an appeal to the Mangystau people to hold a charitable action "Asar".

The Head of the region offered akims of cities and districts, heads of departments, as well as a branch of the Atameken enterprise, to take the initiative and help the socially vulnerable layers of the population: low-income families, families with disabled children, invalids and WWII veterans.

Akim Eraly Tugzhanov urged representatives of large manufacturing companies, businessmen to take part in the charitable action "Asar".

Residents of the Mangystau region are also offered to participate in the Asar - to provide all possible assistance to people in need in the New Year's Eve.

"Asar is an ancient custom of the Kazakh people, when people, by common efforts, perform work beyond the power of a single family. This is a tradition of joint gratuitous labor. Now in the modern world, the custom of the Asar has become an expression of brotherhood and unity. Taking part in the Asar, people demonstrate cohesion and concern for their people. This is a good, sincere tradition of our ancestors. Therefore, I urge all Mangystau residents to take part in the Asar and support those people who need help now, " - Akim of the region Eraly Tugzhanov said.

Support can be provided in various areas: purchase of food, clothing, medicines and much more.

Press service of the Mangystau region Akim 

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