An expanded meeting of the regional council of the regional chamber of entrepreneurs with the business community of the region chaired by the chairman of the Presidium of "Atameken"  National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the RoK Timur Kulibayev, with the participation of Akim of the region Eraly Tugzhanov took place in Aktau.

Implementation of the Industrialization Map projects, support of the domestic commodity producer, as well as the problems of businessmen facing the entrepreneurs of the region have been discussed at the meeting.

Guests from the central office of  "Atameken" NCE RoK got acquainted with the presentation of new and realized in the Mangystau region business projects. The media presentation took place at the site of the regional branch of the NCE.

During the meeting, Akim of the Mangystau region spoke about the prospects of business development in Mangystau, noting the priority sectors: tourism, agriculture, construction, medicine and education.

"This year we are planning to create 26 thousand jobs in the region, including in the sphere of small and medium business. Today the share of business in various sectors of the region's economy is actively expanding. Thus, in the manufacturing industry, this figure is 25%, in the transport sector - 20%, in wholesale and retail trade - 18%, health care - 8%, provision of accommodation and food services - 7%, education - 6%. There are 3320 jobs in the region. Today, members of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs are practically in all 50 regional commissions. A system of interaction and decision-making has been established in all state programs", - Akim of the region, Eraly Tugzhanov, emphasized.

Timur Kulibayev said that the Atameken NCE, greeting the participants of the expanded meeting, will work with the business community to develop measures to support entrepreneurs.

"My proposal is to organize financing for projects that have passed through the sieve of the regional map. We have discussed the investment opportunities of the region with the region's leadership. Now, it is important for us to understand where to concentrate our efforts. For example, agricultural processing. It requires activity on the part of the business community so that we can form a full-fledged, elaborated list of projects and through "Atameken" and Government tools to offer it to our partners, including foreign ones", - he said.

According to Timur Kulibayev, Atameken's main task is to build a dialogue between business and government. And one of the priorities is the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. The system work is conducted in this direction, the councils that are created in each region act. Measures to improve legislation are also being taken. Now a process to reduce the oversight of supervisory functions has begun. Also, in order to support entrepreneurs, problematic issues are discussed with the Government jointly. So, today the issue of simplifying tax legislation is being worked out at the level of ministries, which is very important for business and for Mangystau, in particular.

During the meeting, the business community of the region raised issues related to the development of the construction industry and the production of building materials, business opportunities in coastal areas, the development and improvement of business in tourism and much more.

The foreign businessmen who took part in the meeting, carrying out their activities in the Manguystau region, have also voiced their problems. They raised the issue of the possibility of transferring from the central state bodies to the competence of the regional level of permissive powers, in particular, on the import of industrial raw materials from abroad. Businessmen consider this expedient, since the decentralization of issuing permits will significantly simplify and speed up the processing of necessary procedures on the spot.

Summarizing the results of the meeting held in Aktau, the chairman of the Presidium of "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the RoK, Timur Kulibayev, thanked Akim of the region, law enforcement agencies for cooperation, members of the regional council for their work and noted good development dynamics and broad prospects for business in Mangystau.

"The agenda has been updated very much for three years of work of the regional council of entrepreneurs. If in the beginning we heard more private appeals, there were no proposals on how to resolve existing issues, today we see that the regional council has become an effective mechanism for discussing issues that arise among entrepreneurs. It is clear that all offers of the Mangystau entrepreneurs are already systemic and reflect the state of the business environment in the region. The Council has become an effective mechanism for interaction between business and the state", - said Timur Kulibayev. 


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