The main objective of the SEZ "Seaport Aktau" is attraction of investments for development of manufacturing industry, in particular, construction industry, petrochemical industry, oilfield services, transportation and logistics.

From the moment of creation, 88.1 billion tenge was attracted to the territory of the SEZ, production was made for the sum of 241.2 billion tenge, 20.8 billion tenge was received in the form of taxes to the budget. 1144 permanent jobs have been created.

Of the 35 registered on the territory of SEZ participants completed 16 projects.Until the end of the year it is planned to launch another 5 projects, under implementation – 14.

The first object visited by the head of the region was the factory for the production of reinforced concrete products of QSM Precast Concrete Aktau LLP.Its area is 6 hectares, and the cost of the project is 768 million tenge.It is planned that about 200 people will work at the enterprise after commissioning.The plant will be opened on August 28, 2017.

The next item of the working trip of the head of the region was the plant for the production of steel products from LLP "Steelmaking Center".For permanent work after its opening, 15 people will be employed.The plant's productivity will be 1200 tons of steel per year.Opening is planned on October this year.

At the same time, Eraly Tugzhanov visited the plant of Aktau EnergoMash LLP.This plant produces transformers and electrical cables.Production of products per year is up to 2500 tons of cables.

As a result of the visits to the facilities, head of Mangystau region Eraly Tugzhanov gave a number of specific instructions to the heads of enterprises. 

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