The first Forum of Patrons  - "Tugan zherge tagzym" was held in Aktau. The event was organized by the Akimat of Mangystau region.

The purpose of the Forum is to contribute to the improvement of people's well-being and public consciousness as a whole through the implementation of social projects that will help the development of the region in the framework of the "Tugan zher" Program.

"Patriotism begins with a love for its land, its aul, city, region, with love for a small homeland. Therefore, I propose the program of "Tugan zher", which will go into a wider policy - "Tugan El"," - said Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article "A view into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness ". In this connection the "Tugan zherge tagzym" title was given to the Forum.

Akim of the region Eraly Tugzhanov, regional leaders and patrons of art, who contributed to the development of Mangystau, took part in the forum.

At the beginning of the Forum the akims of the districts and cities acquainted visitors with the social projects presented at the exhibition. Also, an "application table" was organized, the purpose of which is to support social projects. Now thanks to the financial support of philanthropists in Mangystau, new social facilities are being built. Projects are also working to restore historical monuments and cultural sites

To date, 100 projects have been implemented thanks to philanthropists, for a total amountof 43 billion 699 million tenge. 16 of them are aimed at the development of sport and a healthy lifestyle. Also, four projects on the topic "Environmental Protection" were implemented, 8 charitable events were held within the framework of the "Help to the near" project. Another 18 were implemented under the program "Bilim Kazyna". 4 projects were held in order to develop culture and art. there were large-scale works in the sphere of health care system - sponsors funded 22 projects. In addition, another 38 events were held in various areas.

An auction was held in support of the "Tugan zher" Program. In order to improve the social conditions of the population and renew public consciousness, seven social projects were presented at the auction: a sports complex in Tupkaragan district - 250 million tenge, a sports complex in Munayly region - 516,292,000 tenge, monuments to Abayu Kunanbaev and Nurmuhan Jantorin - 80 million tenge. The winner was handed the passport of the object after the sale of each lot.

Today, in the framework of the "Ruhani zhangyru" Akim of the region Eraly Tugzhanov told about the new project. "In connection with the climatic features of the region, we are launching the Green School - Green House project in all educational institutions of the region. To begin with, this project will help greening the surrounding area to solve environmental problems, secondly, accustoming children to work we will help in the education of their consciousness; third, we will open scientific and practical centers for students; fourthly, the project will help in the development of new technologies of drip irrigation and recycling of used water, in the fifth, the development of entrepreneurship in schools with the possibility of producing their own products, in the sixth, we will solve the issues of attracting extra-budgetary investments, " - said Eraly Tugzhanov.

Three Mangistau entrepreneurs decided to build greenhouses near several schools of the region for their own funds in support of the new project. "We are contributing to development and prosperity by supporting our schools,"  - the patrons said. 


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