A regular administration meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Mangystau region Akim Eraly Tugzhanov. Several issues were discussed on the agenda.

Improving the quality of the environment, ensuring environmental safety, preserving natural resources and achieving the level of environmentally sustainable development of society is one of the main tasks of the Department of Ecology, Abai Safin, the Head of the Ecology Department described in his report about the monitoring and inspection activities in Mangystau region. The Department of Ecology conducted 60 inspections for 9 months of 2017. According to the results of the conducted inspections, 110 violations of the requirements of ecol cal legislation which issued 107 orders to eliminate violations have been find. For 9 months of 2017, 85 administrative fines were collected for a total sum of 268,479.84 thousand tenge.

A report was made by Khalila Nurgalieva, the Head of the Economics and Budget Planning Department. There is a tendency to increase the growth rates in industry during the year. The extraction of natural gas increased by 11.5% and amounted to 2.3 billion cubic meters. According to the plans of the oil companies, the oil production is expected to increase by the level of the previous year by the end of the year. The number of operating subjects of small and medium business as of October 01, 2017 amounted to 46.3 thousand units, which is 6% more than on the same date in 2016 ( 43.6 thousand units). Taking into account the dynamics of growth in the sectors of the economy and the expected increase in industry in 2017, the GRP will grow by 101%, Khalila Nurgalieva said.

Zeynep Tastemirova, Head of the Education Department, spoke about the progress in the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2019. In total, the implementation of the State Program of Education and Science Development in 2017 provides  8 133.2 million tenge. The national fund and the republican budget have allocated 3960.3 million tenge to build schools; The local budget 4173.0 million tenge. The share of pre-school organizations with a full day of stay is 84.7%, 87.7% are fulfilled.

Marina Albekova, Head of the Finance Department, introduced the privatization process. In the framework of the Comprehensive Privatization Plan, 19 organizations are subject to privatization in 2017-2018, 15 organizations of which (municipal-13, social and entrepreneurial corporation -2) are to be privatized in 2017, 4 organizations in 2018 (communal - 2, social and entrepreneurial corporation - 2). The total value of the assets sold amounted to KZT 1.2 billion, where the share of communal property is KZT632 million, the assets of SEC Kaspiy are 530 million tenge. Today, 39 million tenge came from the sale of communal property objects, the remaining 593 million tenge is the amount payable upon redemption of the facility in 2019.

As a result of the meeting, Akim of the Mangystau region Eraly Tugzhanov gave specific instructions to the relevant heads of state bodies. 


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